Here are some useful resources for the design and promotion of Citizen Assemblies
Practical guides
The most complete guide to date: Guide for the design and implementation of an Assembly. It was elaborated by DemocracyNext (2023) in English, compiling multiple experiences on deliberative processes in the world, and has been translated by the Network Delib into Spanish (2024), contextualizing it with concrete examples in Spain.
First approach to a Climate Assembly: How to organize a Citizen's Climate Assembly? by Fórum dos Cidadãos, Instituto de Ciências Sociais and Zero, 2023
Guide based on the experiences of the Spanish Climate Assembly, the Climate Assemblies of Barcelona, Mallorca and Gipuzkoa: Guide for the design, organization and facilitation of citizen climate assemblies, BC3 Basque center for climate change, 2023.
To situate citizen assemblies in an international context, approach the typologies of deliberative processes and principles of good practices: Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions. La ola deliberativa, OECD, 2020 (translated by INE Instituto Nacional Electoral de México, 2022).
Key aspects of Climate Assemblies, from the Network of actors working in this field: Climate Assemblies - key aspects, KNOCA, Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies, 2021.
A practical guide from the point of view of the main actors active in the implementation of a Citizens' Assembly: How to activate national initiatives to move democracy beyond elections, a project of the UN Democracy Fund and the newDemocracy Foundation, 2019 (translated by Deliberativa, 2020).
Audiovisual resources on the Iberian Peninsula
Tolosako Herritarren Batzarra - Asamblea Ciudadana de Tolosa, 2023, 10 min. (in Basque with Spanish subtitles)
Gipuzkoako Herritarren Batzarra - Citizens' Assembly of Gipuzkoa, 2023, 11 min. (in Basque, click on "subtitles > automatic translation" to select your preferred language)
Fòrum Jove Bcn - Foro Jove Bcna, Barcelona Youth Deliberative Assembly, 2021, 13 min.
Convenció Ciutadadadana sobre la salut mental - Citizen's convention on mental health, Valencia, 2022, 27 min.
International audiovisual resources
What is a Citizens' Jury, newDemocracy Foundation (English)
Citizens Assemblies around the world